Friday, March 9, 2018

Vocabulary and Spelling Lesson 18

Vocabulary Lesson 18

glorious: adj. If something is so wonderful that you can hardly believe it, it is glorious.
“The cake was a glorious surprise for Jackson’s birthday.” syns. wonderful, splendid.

memory: n. A memory is something you remember.  
“Maria’s favorite memory was the day her dad brought home a new puppy.” syn. remembrance

ruin / ruined: v. If something is ruined, it is no longer any good.  “Devin’s shirt was ruined when he accidentally spilled paint on it.” syn. spoil

streak: v. To streak is to move very quickly from one place to another.  
A falling star will steak across the sky.syn. zoom, flash

creep / crept: v. If you crept, you would move slowly and carefully so that you wouldn’t be seen or heard.  
“The cat crept up behind the mouse.” syn. sneak

yank / yanked: v. If you yanked something, you gave it a quick, hard pull.
“The man yanked on the cord to start the boat’s motor.” syns. tug, pull

Spelling Words L. 18

1. nicer
2. finest
3. useful
4. bigger
5. really
6. nicest
7. faster
8. lonely
9. quickly
10. careful
11. smaller
12. playful
13. biggest
14. slowly
15. thankful

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