Friday, March 16, 2018

Vocabulary Lessons 19 and 20

Vocabulary Lesson 19

suggest / suggested: v. If you suggested something, you gave someone an idea.
“Ethan suggested that we finish our homework before dinner.” syn. recommend.

enormous: adj. Something that is enormous is very big.  
“The elephant’s footprints were enormous.” syns. huge, gigantic

exclaim / exclaimed: v. If you exclaimed something, you said it excitedly.  “I can’t believe we won! Elizabeth exclaimed” syn. call out, express

swift: adj. Something that is swift moves very quickly.  
The swift runner finished the race quickly.syns. fast, rapid

vain: adj. If you are vain, you think very highly of yourself.  
The vain boy spent a lot of time thinking about how handsome he was.” syn. arrogant

Vocabulary Lesson 20

version / versions: n. If there are different versions of a story, the story is told in different ways.
“Sean wondered if the second version of his short story was better than the first.” syn. adaptation

rehearse: v. To rehearse is to practice for a performance.   
“Jasmine wanted to rehearse her lines for the play.” syn. practice

mandatory: adj. Something that is mandatory is required.  “Mr. Green said that writing the book report is mandatory.” syns. necessary, required

criticize: v. When you criticize something, you tell what you think is wrong with it.  
Sergio was glad that the art teacher did not criticize his painting.syn. censure
immerse: v. To immerse oneself is to become very involved in something.  
“Alexis would immerse herself in any book she was reading.” syn. sink

dialogue: n. Conversation between people is called dialogue.
“The two actors had a lot of dialogue to memorize for the play.” syns. conversation

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