Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Spelling Words Lessons 19 and 20

Spelling Words L. 19

1. undo
2. redo
3. dislike
4. react
5. refill
6. uneasy
7. reread
8. unlike
9. remove
10. dishonest
11. unhappy
12. rebuild
13. displease
14. uncover
15. rewrite

Spelling Words L. 20

1. form
2. wore
3. fourth
4. soar
5. warn
6. perfect
7. girl
8. burn
9. work
10. earth
11. bigger
12. finest
13. lonely
14. refill
15. dishonest

Friday, March 16, 2018

Vocabulary Lessons 19 and 20

Vocabulary Lesson 19

suggest / suggested: v. If you suggested something, you gave someone an idea.
“Ethan suggested that we finish our homework before dinner.” syn. recommend.

enormous: adj. Something that is enormous is very big.  
“The elephant’s footprints were enormous.” syns. huge, gigantic

exclaim / exclaimed: v. If you exclaimed something, you said it excitedly.  “I can’t believe we won! Elizabeth exclaimed” syn. call out, express

swift: adj. Something that is swift moves very quickly.  
The swift runner finished the race quickly.syns. fast, rapid

vain: adj. If you are vain, you think very highly of yourself.  
The vain boy spent a lot of time thinking about how handsome he was.” syn. arrogant

Vocabulary Lesson 20

version / versions: n. If there are different versions of a story, the story is told in different ways.
“Sean wondered if the second version of his short story was better than the first.” syn. adaptation

rehearse: v. To rehearse is to practice for a performance.   
“Jasmine wanted to rehearse her lines for the play.” syn. practice

mandatory: adj. Something that is mandatory is required.  “Mr. Green said that writing the book report is mandatory.” syns. necessary, required

criticize: v. When you criticize something, you tell what you think is wrong with it.  
Sergio was glad that the art teacher did not criticize his painting.syn. censure
immerse: v. To immerse oneself is to become very involved in something.  
“Alexis would immerse herself in any book she was reading.” syn. sink

dialogue: n. Conversation between people is called dialogue.
“The two actors had a lot of dialogue to memorize for the play.” syns. conversation