Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Vocabulary and Spelling Words Lesson 11 / Thanskgiving

Vocabulary Lesson 11

encouraging: adj. Something that is encouraging gives someone hope or confidence.  
“The coach’s speech before the championship game was encouraging.” 

brief: adj. If something is brief, it does not take much time.
“The class will take a brief break before continuing the test.”

chuckle / chuckling: v. If you are chuckling, you are laughing quietly to yourself.
“Nathan has been chuckling about that joke all afternoon.”   

soothing: adj. Something that is soothing makes you feel calm.  
“Jazmine thinks the sound of rain is soothing.”

sob / sobbed: v. Someone who sobbed cried very hard.  
“Brenda sobbed when she lost her favorite book.”

praised: v. If you have praised someone, you have told that person that he or she did something well.
“The teacher praised the students for their fine drawings.” 

Spelling Words L. 11

1. title
2. table
3. uncle
4. apple
5. cable
6. bubble
7. beetle
8. rattle
9. purple
10. little
11. middle
12. simple
13. saddle
14. trouble
15. scribble

Challenge Words
16. twinkle
17. scramble
18. sprinkle
19. buckled
20. tablecloth

Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in the United States, Canada, some islands in the Caribbean, and Liberia. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States, and around the same part of the year in other places.
That means that in the United States it will be celebrated next Thursday, November 23rd, 2017.
Watch the video about the story of the first Thanksgiving and answer the questions (put the cursor on top of the words and click, the link will open). 

1. Who tells us the story?   ______________________________   
  A) Plymouth Rock               B) Primitive Rock
2. The story begins in what year?  _________________________ 
3. What was the name of the ship the Pilgrims arrived in?  
4. Who taught the Pilgrims to plant and grow crops? 

An English Speaking local named _____________________________. 

 A) Squanto               B) Scouter

5. At the end of the first year, they had abundant food so what did they do?  


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