Monday, November 13, 2017

Vocabulary L. 10, Abbreviations, Singular and Plural Nouns

Vocabulary Lesson 10

investigate: v. When you investigate something, you try to find out the truth about it.
“Tyler had to investigate the disappearance of his lunch box.”  

expert: n. An expert is someone who knows a lot about a certain subject.
"The quarterback is an expert at throwing a football".

laboratory: n. A place where experiments are done is a laboratory.
“The scientist bought some brand-new equipment for his laboratory.” 

various: adj. Where there are various objects, there are objects of different types. 
“The box was full of various items that students had lost.” 

suspect: v. When you suspect someone of doing something, you think that person has done it.
“Knowing her brother made Emily suspect that he had eaten all the cookies.”

confess: v. When you confess, you tell the truth about something you did wrong.
“It can be hard to confess that you have a mistake, but it is best to tell the truth.”

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