Friday, May 4, 2018

Vocabulary and Spelling Lesson 24 and 25

Vocabulary Lesson 24

clutter: n. If a place such as your desk or your room has clutter, it is messy and full of things you do not really need.  
“The floor of the playroom was covered with clutter .” syns. trash, rubbish

visible: adj. When something is visible, you can see it.    
“The fireworks were visible for miles around.” syns. observable, noticeable

mention / mentioned: v. If you mentioned something, you talked about it briefly.  “David mentioned wanting to be the first to try the new computer game”, syn. say

beckon / beckoned: v. If you beckoned to someone, you used your hand to signal him or her to come to you. 
Alyssa beckoned to Daisy to come over to her desk.syn. summon, call

remark: n. A remark is something that is said about something. “Karen was pleased with the kind remark Ms. Hill had written on her test.” syn. comment

fluster / flustered: v. If something flustered you, it made you forget what you were saying or doing. “It flustered Oscar to have so many people watching him .” syns. distract, confuse

Spelling Words  L.24

1. upon
2. above
3. cover
4. apart
5. either
6. alike
7. awake
8. afraid
9. across
10. agree
11. ever
12. amount
13. ahead
14. alive
15. around

Vocabulary Lesson 25

require / required: v. Something that is required is needed.  
“Each member of the baseball team is required to attend all the practices .” syn. need

functional: adj. Something that serves a purpose is functional.    
“The birthday gift, a sweater, was both pretty and functional.” syn. practical

inhabitants: n. The people or animals that live in a certain place are the inhabitants of that place. 
“Two little goldfish were the only inhabitants of the fishbowl.” syn. occupant

amazement: n. Amazement is a feeling of great wonder and surprise. 
When Destinee’’s baby brother said his first words, she gasped in amazement.syn. surprise

ample: adj. An amount that is ample is enough or more that is needed.
“The boys hade ample space to play football in the yard.” syns. enough, plenty

responsibility: n. A responsibility is something you are expected to do. “It was Trevor’s responsibility to collect the tennis rackets after the game .” syns. duty, job

Spelling Words  L.25

1. choose
2. booth
3. foot
4. bruise
5. threw
6. soft
7. cause
8. thaw
9. false
10. preschool
11. misspell
12. indoors
13. apart
14. across
15. around

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