Friday, May 11, 2018

Spelling L25 and Vocabulary Exercises

Spelling Exercises L. 25
I. Complete the text by writing Spelling Words in each blank.
I did not know what to ______________________ to do first. The Spring Festival was huge. I wanted to see every __________________ with things to buy and games to play. I _____________________ balls to knock over tin cans at one place. I bought a snack at another. I raced, fell, and hit my knee. I had a big _____________________ on it. I walked so much that a blister formed on my left __________________.

II. Write a Spelling Word to complete each sentence. 
1) My younger sister goes to ____________________. She is five.
2) Let’s play _______________________ since it is raining.
3)  Tear this paper ______________________ so we can share.
4) Check you story to make sure you did not ______________________ any words.
5) I walked ______________________ the block.

III. Fill in the missing letters to make Spelling Words. Then write the words. 
1) ____cr____s_____     _______________________
2)  s____ ____ f              _______________________
3)  c____ ____se             ________________________
4) ____als____                _________________________
5) ____ _____ aw             ________________________

Vocabulary Exercise (Words form L. 24 and 25)
Write a Vocabulary Word form L. 24 or 25 matches the given synonyms:  

1) noticeable                 ___________________________
2) practical                    ___________________________
3) say. comment           ___________________________
4) wonder, surprise     ___________________________
5) job, duty, work        ___________________________
6) trash, rubbish          __________________________

Complete the sentences with one of the vocabulary words on the lines. 
7) Mathew has a lot of ________________________ in his messy room.
8) I was __________________________ at how much that car costs. It is too expensive!!!
9) Your homework is your __________________________.
10) My brother ________________________ you yesterday during lunch. He said you needed help with the homework.

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