Monday, January 29, 2018

Vocabulary and Spelling Words L.17

Vocabulary Lesson 17

glance / glancing: v. When you are glancing at something, you are taking a quick look at it.
“Tyler kept glancing at the clock to see how much time was left.”  

scold / scolding: v. If you are scolding someone, you are angrily pointing out that person’s mistakes.  
“The mother is scolding her child for misbehaving.”

console: v. When you comfort or cheer someone, you console him or her.  “My friends tried to console me after I lost the race.”  

heroic: adj. Someone who is heroic is brave and acts like a hero.  
The major thanked the firefighter for her heroic act.

drowsy: adj. When you are drowsy, you feel so sleepy that you can’t stay awake.  
“Although Andrew got plenty of sleep, he still felt drowsy.”

burden: n. A burden is a heavy load that is difficult to carry.  
“For Sierra, the stack of books was a heavy burden.”

Spelling Words L. 17

1. word
2. girl
3. burn
4. work
5. hurt
6. verse
7. purse
8. clerk
9. earth
10. perfect
11. first
12. pearl
13. answer
14. person
15. thirsty

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