Monday, October 23, 2017

Vocabulary Words Lesson 8

Vocabulary Words Lesson 8

signal: n. A signal is a sound or an action that sends a message.  

“The green light is the signal to go.”  

flick: v. When you flick something, you move it or snap it quickly.

“The frog can flick its tongue to catch a bug.”

alert: v. If you alert people to something, you get their attention and let them know to be careful.  

“The smoke alarm will alert you to the fact that fire is present.”  

communicate: v. When two people or animals communicate, they share information.   

“One way people communicate is by talking.”

chatter: v. When animals chatter, they repeat their sounds quickly.  

“I hear the squirrels chatter outside.”

grooms: v. When an animal grooms itself, it makes itself neat and clean.

“Angelica’s cat grooms itself by licking its fur.”

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