Monday, October 30, 2017

Vocabulary Lesson 9

Vocabulary Lesson 9

generous: adj. People who are generous are happy to share with others.  
“Justin was generous when he shared his lunch after Desiree forgot hers.”  

banquet: n. If you are going to a banquet, you are going to a special meal that will have a large amount of food. 
“There will be a lot of food at the banquet.”

gaze: n. A gaze is a long look at something.
"Gabriella’s gaze was directed at the sky.”  

agreeable: adj. Something that is agreeable is pleasing to the senses.  
“The smell of an apple pie baking was very agreeable.”

curiosity: n. Something that is called a curiosity is something odd or unusual that interests people.  
“The flower’s blooming in winter was a curiosity.”

famine: n. When there is famine, there is not enough food to feed everyone. 
“Hot, dry weather for a long period of time can cause famine in an area.”

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