Monday, April 23, 2018

Vocabulary and Spelling Words Lesson 22

Vocabulary Lesson 22

nocturnal: adj. An animal that is nocturnal sleeps during the day and is active at night.
“Racoons and opossums are active at night because they are nocturnal animals.” syn. sleepless, active at night

effort: n. When you work hard, you use effort.    
“I took a lot of effort to clean up the playground after the storm.” syn. work

doze / dozes: v. Someone who dozes takes shorts naps.  “The baby usually dozes in her crib after she eats.” syns. sleep, snooze

swoop / swoops: v. When something swoops, it dives or dips downward. 
The pelican swoops toward the water to catch a fish.syn. dive, plunge

detail: n. A detail is a small piece of information that is part of a larger whole. “Jada planned every detail of her party.” syn. characteristic

flutter / fluttering: n. When something moves through the air lightly and quickly, it is fluttering.
“The moth’s wings were fluttering as it flew around the light.” syns. flap

Spelling Words  L.22

1. ought
2. soft
3. yawn
4. walk
5. long
6. also
7. thaw
8. lost
9. cause
10. taught
11. pause
12. straw
13. false
14. author
15. almost

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