Monday, October 30, 2017

Vocabulary Lesson 9

Vocabulary Lesson 9

generous: adj. People who are generous are happy to share with others.  
“Justin was generous when he shared his lunch after Desiree forgot hers.”  

banquet: n. If you are going to a banquet, you are going to a special meal that will have a large amount of food. 
“There will be a lot of food at the banquet.”

gaze: n. A gaze is a long look at something.
"Gabriella’s gaze was directed at the sky.”  

agreeable: adj. Something that is agreeable is pleasing to the senses.  
“The smell of an apple pie baking was very agreeable.”

curiosity: n. Something that is called a curiosity is something odd or unusual that interests people.  
“The flower’s blooming in winter was a curiosity.”

famine: n. When there is famine, there is not enough food to feed everyone. 
“Hot, dry weather for a long period of time can cause famine in an area.”

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Vocabulary and Spelling Exercises Lesson 8

Vocabulary Exercise Lesson 8

Fill in the letter of the best answer that completes each sentences.
1. If you wanted to alert someone, you would__________________.
(A) laugh with the person
(B) Warn the person
(C) play with the person

2. When animals communicate, they _____________________.
(A) fall asleep
(B) do not see each other
(C) tell each other things

3. Animals that chatter ________________.
(A) make a lot of noise
(B) are very quiet
(C) are jumping

4. One way to signal someone is to _____________________.
(A) eat your lunch
(B) play with a ball
(C) wave your hand

5. An animal that can flick its tail ____________________.
(A) can grab it
(B) can move it quickly
(C) can lower it
6. After an animal grooms itself, it usually looks ______________________.
(A) neat and clean
(B) tired and sad
(C) happy and messy

Spelling Exercise Lesson 8
Unscramble the spelling words. The letter pattern ou, ow, oi or oy are filled in for you. Use the patterns to help you write the words.
1. udlo =  _______ou______
2. wnloc = ______ow______
3. lifo = _______oi________
4. yonan = ________________oy
5. seuom =  _____ou__________
6. worlg =  __________ow______
7. simot = _________oi___________
8. uohes = _____ou___________
9. ceunob = ______ou_________________
10. posli = ____________oi _______

Monday, October 23, 2017

Vocabulary Words Lesson 8

Vocabulary Words Lesson 8

signal: n. A signal is a sound or an action that sends a message.  

“The green light is the signal to go.”  

flick: v. When you flick something, you move it or snap it quickly.

“The frog can flick its tongue to catch a bug.”

alert: v. If you alert people to something, you get their attention and let them know to be careful.  

“The smoke alarm will alert you to the fact that fire is present.”  

communicate: v. When two people or animals communicate, they share information.   

“One way people communicate is by talking.”

chatter: v. When animals chatter, they repeat their sounds quickly.  

“I hear the squirrels chatter outside.”

grooms: v. When an animal grooms itself, it makes itself neat and clean.

“Angelica’s cat grooms itself by licking its fur.”

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Subject and Predicate Exercise

Copy and paste the exercise in a Word Document. Then print it and answer it. Finally cut and paste the page in the Grammar notebook. Blessings!

Subject and Predicate Exercise

Read the next sentences carefully. And follow the next instructions:

a) Underline with red the complete subject.

b) Underline with blue the complete predicate.

c) Circle with red the simple or compound subjects.

d) Circle with blue the simple or compound predicates.

e) Answer the questions.

1. My father and mother went to the movies last night.

2. Some beautiful butterflies flew around us today.

3. Martha was happy and excited to go to the circus.

4. Albert and Tom work and play together all the time.

5. The new student walks to school every day.

6. The first grade teacher sings and dances with her students.

7. Which sentences have a simple subject? _____________

8. Which sentences have a compound subject? _____________

9. Which sentences have a simple predicate? _____________

10 Which sentences have a compound predicate? _____________