Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Second Bimonthly Exams Study Guide

Instituto Oxford
Second Bimonthly Exams Guide
3er Grade

and Resources
Topics to Cover
Exam Date

 Kid's Box Student's book
p. 18, 20, 25
Workbook p. 18, 20, 83

Grammar Vocabulary: Numbers, Family Members,

P.B. p. 52, 60, 68, 76, 81, 86, 96, 104
·         Using comma + and / but / or  to make compound sentences.
·         Common and Proper Nouns
·         Abbreviations
·         Singular and Plural Nouns
·         Possessive Nouns
·         Singular and Plural Pronouns
·         Saying numbers to the thousands.
·         Present Continuous or Progressive (be + -ing)
·         Answering with short complete answers. For example: Yes, I can / No, I can’t
·         Answering questions with be, can, could, would, do, does.

Dec. 6th

Listening and Speaking
Grammar Vocabulary: Numbers, Family Members,

Kid's Box
 Students p. 18, 19, 20, 23

·         Using and recognizing Numbers, Family Members, and House Vocabulary.
·         Saying what people are doing.
·         Asking and answering basic questions: name, address, place where one lives, phone number.
Dec. 6th

 Practice Book
p. 1, 9, 17, 25, 34, 45, 53
 Phonics P.B.
p, 66, 67,

·         Spelling Words Lessons 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. 
·         Separating syllables with the pattern: VCCCV.  Example: middle   __mid-dle__
Dec. 7th

Grammar Vocabulary:
House, Prepositions of Place and Movement.
Kid's Box Student’s p. 18. Workbook p. 19
Practice Book p. 64, 72, 83, 84, 92, 100

·         Vocabulary Words Lessons 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. 
·         Describing a place, house, location.
·         Proofreading: Capital letters, punctuation marks, proper and common nouns, commas before and, but, or or with compound sentences, writing short complete answers.
·         Using synonyms and antonyms.

Dec. 7th

Kid's Box Workbook p. 22
Practice Book p. 62, 66, 70, 87, 88, 93

·         Reading a description of a place and finding information about it.
·         Main Idea and Details
·         Use Reference Sources: encyclopedia, dictionary, thesaurus, atlas.
·         Fact and Opinion
·         Plot, and graphic organizer of a plot: Characters, Setting, Plot (Problem, Events, Solutions).

Dec 8th
Unit 2, specially
p. 22, 23, 26, 27, 28
and diagrams of skeleton and muscles.
·         What are bones, cartilage, joints, and ligaments?
·         The Skeleton (bones seen in class only)
·         What is a muscle?
·         What is a tendon?
·         Types of muscles.
·         How do muscles help the body move?
·         Muscles (muscles seen in class only)

Dec 8th